Web3 CRM & Messaging Platform for the Decentralized World

Holder project cover featuring a screenshot of the main dashboard
Done alongside High Alpha
Client / Holder
Role / Product Designer
Year / 2022

Holder redefines customer engagement for Web3 brands. It enables businesses and orgs within Web3 to effectively capture, understand, and connect with their wallet-based audiences.

MVP improving CRM in the Web3 space by enabling users to manage and segment wallet addresses.

Screenshot of a landing page generating by the Holder product
Screenshot of the Holder contacts page
Screenshot of the login page for Holder

The MVP's main objective is to facilitate list segmentation for accurate audience targeting. The product enables Web3 projects to create wallet lists based on specific wallet attributes.

Analyzing wallet patterns and holdings offers companies insights into their user base. This knowledge is vital for Web3 brans, allowing them to discern between trends.

Filters map and userflows

It was crucial to define key fields and logic for wallet and contact filtering. This groundwork laid the foundation for a powerful filtering experience.

Importing contacts became a key feature to enhance the overall effectiveness of the platform and help users start segmenting faster.

Gif featuring a few different setting screens for Holder
Product gif going through screenshots of template pages created with Holder

We focused on enhancing user engagement with features for targeted landing pages and direct email campaigns. These features streamline marketing efforts and also boost campaign efficiency, offering Web3 brands a more dynamic way to interact with their contacts.

The final efforts concentrated on envisioning future enhancements. Key milestones included automation based on specific conditions for faster list and action generation, and the integration of more in-depth blockchain data to enrich contact profiles with items held, activities, and notes.

Future automations feature for Holder
Screenshot of a user profile for the Holder product

Since its launch, Holder has expanded its offerings with the introduction of automations and advanced messaging features. These additions have increased the platform's reach and functionality.